31 July, 2010

July 31

Today, I was able to spend the day with the most wonderful man - David Ault.

It was interesting how the day started off - the whole thought of spending the day with THE David Ault was exciting and invigorating to me. I mean, yes, we "talk" with each other over the internet, but being IN company with him was something else.

I picked him up at 8:30 at Mindy Rasts house in Austin. From there - we drove back to the house. While I made him breakfast - deer sausage and eggs with toast - David played with Little Britches. For a man who isn't a "dog person" - he didn't show any fear of her. The picture on Facebook proves that. What was kinda funny though was what I did to him after he had a couple of bites of his breakfast. I did ask if he now wanted to know what he was eating. The look on his face was priceless. When I told him that it was deer, he was very surprised. He didn't know that we butcher the deer that the family gets and then process it, add seasoning and make it all ourselves. He hadn't had deer before. At least he got to experience something new! He tried to clean up afterwards, but a soft warning whisper to put the dish down was all it took for the young man to put it down and say, "Yes ma'am."

After breakfast, I then put him to work recording lines for me. He had a few things to record for Colonial and that was done rather nicely. We weren't sure about a name, but I had him say it various ways to make sure that we had it regardless.

We then went to the grocery store and got the makings for JalapeƱo poppers. We then came home and made poppers and talked - relaxed while the poppers were cooking. He even checked his email for a bit, sent an email to his sweetheart so that I could get some information from him about a project that I will be working on for him. I sensed after David had read some email that he was tense, so I made him sit on the couch and I massaged his back. My guests aren't allowed to be stressed out. I can't help it - it's a rule of the house. Come on, now! Geez.

After poppers we went out to ride around - a tour of Central Texas. He saw the replica French castle we have on park road 4, we went to Longhorn Caverns - built by Walt Disney with help by the Chinese, Ronald Reagan, Kennedy and 2'5 workers that he will have to talk with Snow White about when he sees her next) and then to Inks Lake Park where my daughter works. While in the park, I drove on the "right" side of the road (the left) so that David could feel back at home. We paddled (waded) in the lake and then went back to the house.

I have learned the following from David:
1) Not to say "doggoneit". He kept asking me where the dog was and why was it on it?
2) To be more observant to the signs around me. For example:
--- Look for church warning signs. They usually appear BEFORE the church. They might convert you.
--- No outlet and no exits - aren't they basically the same?
--- Longhorn Cavern - why is it really called Longhorn Cavern? Did the Longhorns live there? Why would longhorns be in the cavern in the first place? Wouldn't they get stuck?
3) I'm now curious as to why Americans see cartoons and think that they are documentaries.
4) To learn my history a bit more - because I was obviously off that water made the cavern - it was as I wrote above.
5) How to make the PERFECT cup of Spiced Chai tea - he taught me. It was sooooo good!!!
6) I have also learned the David is one of the most respectful, charismatic, funny, humble and a genuine decent man who can follow the directions of the woman of the house. :)

After we got back home, David met my husband and my sons. He told my sons about the program called Stellarium and played with the boys. Michael and Mason really did enjoy spending some time with David as well. Actually, I do think that David sat on Mason and for some reason Mason wouldn't stop shaking the man's hand. Michael did try to arm-wrestle David - but of course the Brit won - but it wasn't for lack of Michael not trying.

We talked more about friends and work and how much we enjoyed the day then went to dinner with Mark and Janice Vanderberg, Mindy Rast, Clay and Debby Dugger. It was such a nice evening - had so much fun.

Regardless of everything written here... I shall miss that young British man, but I will get to meet him again. I know it. I have this weird feeling about it.

Thank you, David, for being yourself - and giving me the opportunity to get to know you even more.