08 January, 2009

Jan 8 -- Thursday

A bit of an update from the previous days:

Tuesday evening:

Well, I got home, settled down on the couch, began watching TV after some dinner and the next thing I know, I'm waking up to my daughter beating on meat for Wednesday night's meal. Talk about weird. I'm not a person who will just go to the couch, stretch out and take a nap. Naps only come on when I'm starting to or am sick. Matt even told me that he tried to wake me up to do pilates with them and that after one time of waking me up, he decided to just leave me alone. Wise man. I'm dealing with allergies and my lovely defenses to them. Needless to say, I woke up, meandered about a bit, took some medicine for a minor headache and went back to bed.

Wednesday (all day):

Yesterday was a long day. My body and allergies were kicking my butt, but it was around noon when I decided to check my email while I was at school. I found an e-mail from Jerry that said that he was bringin in a new editor and he's going to give Father Brown to the new editor to work on. I called Jerry and talked to him about his decision.

Of course, I was saddened to lose Father Brown. I have fun mixing those and JT Turner, the actor who plays Father Brown, is just a wonderful actor! A nut to be precise. Jerry wasn't putting down my ability - not by a long shot. It was more to give me time to finish up Moonfleet and then start up on the next season of Powder River. I'm going to be a busy busy beaver, that's for sure. Not only with Colonial but with Darker Projects as well. I'm going to be doing so much that I won't know what to do, I fear. But, I'll save that complaint for another blog.
So, after I ate, I worked on Jerry and the Pirates Episode 24. I got a good chunk of it all worked out - meaning, I was pitching voices and recalibrating the volume of the voices as I listened and made sure that they were all there. By eleven o'clock, I was exhausted and dragged my butt upstairs and went to bed.


As far as work went today, it was pretty good. Got to play a Jeopardy - Family Feud game with the kids as a review for their final over Romeo and Juliet. It's a wonderful game that we play with them to go over Romeo and Juliet. It was fun and I got to do it for three periods! I'm actually helping out with another one for Hamlet, but I have to read it and... and... Shakespeare is so hard to read! Good thing that it's for an AP Class.

On the way home I had an issue with my left contact. Not a good thing when you are driving. I HAVE to get new contacts.

Once I got home, it seemed that everything just went a little blewy. Kids kinda acted up - especially Meghan. I'm not going to have her talkback to me anymore. I need that paint-ball gun or something. Grrrrrr.

Sat down at nine to work on episode 24 of JATP and finally got through all the rebalancing and revoluming and pitching. So... now tomorrow I can go in and start putting in the SFX and getting people where they need to be for the FINAL episode. THEN, I can start working back on Moonfleet. I was actually about to write Father Brown.

But... bed calls.... and I need some sleep desperately. Perhaps if I just get more sleep, I wouldn't be so sleepy? Nah. Sleep may be overrated. *giggles* If it is or if it isn't, it really doesn't matter.


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