06 January, 2009

Jan 6 -- Tuesday

I woke this morning in a somewhat good mood, however, I felt bad.  My allergies are driving me nuts.  My head feels all cloggy and just stuffed up.  It doesn't help that I want to crawl back into bed and stay there most of the day.

I got to school this morning after I finished listening to a Pendant Production of Superman: The Lost Son Series 1.  It was a very interesting production.  Lois is already married to Clark.  I liked how in the action part of the audio production, it was described by the reporter on the scene.  It didn't make much sense about the antagonist not thinking through his plans.  Most antagonists tend to think through or is that JUST Lex Luther?  He seems to think through everything, but there is usually a flaw he missed.  Something that he wasn't expecting to happen.  Or was this just part of the writer's plan to keep the audience on the edge of their seats?  I'm not sure.  I'll have to wait and see when I listen to the next one. 

For whatever reason, I'm extremely tired today.  I do know that I didn't sleep so hot, so maybe that's the cause.  I'm just very lethargic.  

I have enough to do this evening creative wise to last me for awhile.  I have a few gifts that I'm working on, the audio to do and even some writing, if ever I get around to it.  The gifts I can work on while I'm away from the computer.... but the rest of it... well, it takes time and energy.  And right now, energy is something that I don't have.  Remember, lethargic. 

Oh... Donna got me tickled today.  She bought a book over the break about vocabulary.  A new and different way to teach vocabulary to the kids of this day and age. Well... it's interesting... but it's rather... well, different.

Get this:  It's called:  The Yo Momma Vocabulary Builder  and it's written by Justin Heimberg, Christopher Schultz and Steve Harwood.  I'm NOT kidding.  Yo Momma Vocabulary.  

The words are true vocabulary words that the kids need to know; however, they put this twist on it so that the kids will remember the words.  

For example:  Acrophobic.  Acrophobic means afraid of heights. 
So... the book says:  "Yo momma is so ACROPHOBIC, she fainted when she stepped onto the curb!"

Another:  Callous.  Callus means:  having or exhibiting a lack of care; covered with calluses.
The book:  "Yo momma's feet are so callous, when she walks on a wooden floor, it sounds like she's tap dancing!"

It gets the point across, but the thing is that it's kind of rude and socially unacceptable.  Funny... but... just wrong.  We don't want the kids to go out and start up with these type of jokes or sayings.  I can just see the fights starting with this.

I might be on my way home soon, so... I don't want to get anything started up here.  I do know that I'm going to have to read some of Hamlet and get that down so that I can help a fellow teacher out with a game for the seniors.  But Shakespeare and being lethargic do NOT go well together.  That's like... like... being sleepy and then being asked to read something like a manual for work.  Ugh.


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