01 January, 2011

Jan 1 - New Year

          It's a new year and I'm going to go on a changing spree.  I'm going to be doing a lot of things differently and I hope that it helps out in the long run.  It's going to be somewhat a New Year's Resolution list, and I'm going to do my level best to make them all work.
          Here are just a few of things that I'm going to do this year and with some hard work and determination and prayer that I'll be able to do them all. 
  1. Get even a closer relationship with God.
  2. Not speak harshly to my family and friends.
  3. Keep in touch more with friends and let them know how much I care about them.
  4. Exercise daily in some way to help build my core (to help the back)
  5. Eat better so that I can lose weight and keep it off.
  6. At least write a paragraph a day to see if I can write a complete story to get published (this one might be a stretch, but I might as well try, shouldn't I?)
These aren't very many but I believe that if I can do the first three, that the last three will take care of themselves.