23 December, 2013

23 December

Many a day has passed since I have written in my little blog that I'm sure gets barely read. I'm not too worried about it being read as it's just a place where I can blow off some steam - get some things written down and out of my system or just a place to put some scriptures down to remind me later what I need.

A recent book that I bought says: Truth in your words, humility in your actions and kindness in your heart.

I do my best to do all three of these things - and yet that dratted devil doesn't help matters and butts in where he's not needed nor wanted.

So - here are some true words. I love my friends and family and wish them only happiness and healthiness. I wish them to have a very merry Christmas and hope and pray that their new year will be one that is blessed beyond measure.

I'm hoping that this next year will be a good one that it will bring me a little bit more rest and relaxation and not have so much to worry with - especially with my back. It's better - but of course, there is a spot - a knot of a sort right above the battery of the spinal stimulator that is bothering me.

Here's to hoping that everything works out well and that blessings abound.