03 January, 2013

03 January

03 January 2013

I guess that it's a lot like getting on a bike and just keep going - right? Even when you are down and out and wishing that you could just forget about things - you keep going on.

It's not like you can just quit. You can't. You have to keep going and doing.

I know that I'm not making any sense right now - but I'm wondering if I need to make sense. Anything can be like that - right? Riding a bike - getting back in the saddle and trying again. It has to be. Grit your teeth and bare it.


Today's scripture:
Mark 8:31
And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

Why someone would do that for me - suffer for me is beyond my comprehension. I know that with the pain that I have been through the past couple of years that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. And here is the Son of Man taking on all kinds of things to help *me*. That people would reject him and persecute him and then after rise again - showing how merciful and gracious he is. Amazing.


I can't help but wonder about how the rest of the school year is going to play out. I just hope that it zings past and that things will be smooth. I really need that right now - a smoothness to the rest of the year. I'm tired of all the topsy - turvy stuff that is going on.


02 January, 2013

02 January

02 January 2013

Yes a new Wednesday of the New Year. Yay for Wednesday's! :)

Still working on Episode 5 of Beacon Hill. Things are going well on it and I have a little bit more to do before I send it up to Jerry for the final listen to. I honestly think that it's sounding really good. The actors are awesome, and I'm really enjoying the process of making the "monster" come to life.


The version today on the Daily Devotional was Matthew 22:37 -
Jesus replied, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind."

Yes, and I believe that I do. It would only be right, now wouldn't it? He must come first before anyone so that you're love to the next one would be the right one.

I'm currently in the process of finishing up the very last of the audio drama Left Behind. It's an awesome construction of the stories and the characters - seem to bond with you as you're listening to them. It's amazing and I would recommend it to anyone who needs to feel uplifted and warm to the fact of what Jesus did for them. AMAZING WORK!

I don't mean to put any other audio drama company down, but this was one of the best that I have ever heard. Had to have been done in a studio - because you can't hear ANYTHING in the background - no hiss, no noise, nothing but the magical music and the awesome acting that comes through as well.

And yes, I'm going to say it here as well... the best audio actor now that I have ever heard is from that story - the man who played Rayford Steele - Tom McElroy. He's from Chicago and he is absolutely amazing to listen to and I don't care if you are man, woman or child, when you listen to some of the things that is said - you will cry and if you don't - you don't have a caring heart in your soul. If this doesn't touch you in some way, shape or form, that's it - you're missing out.


Enough gushing. It's late and I need to get some sleep. Again, thanks for reading and putting up with my rantings.


01 January, 2013

01 January

Sixty four days ago, I looked for an app on my phone so that I could have a daily devotional. I have thoroughly enjoyed opening up the application and reading the bible through my phone and even listening to it through my phone.

The verse today was Isaiah 26:3 : You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you. NIV

When it comes to the bible, and the Lord's word - I guess that I'm a slow learner. There has been so many times when I want to do things my way and I know that in the long run that God's going to get his way.

This whole ordeal with my back has really changed the way that I have started any day. It was - "How am I going to make it through the day?" and "When will it ever end?" yet now, it's - "Thank you Lord, for helping me through the day and providing a haven for me when the pain gets bad."

I can only thank God for his work in my life and keeping me within his arms. Because I know that right now - during this time that he is carrying me through this time helping me through it all. Thank you for that.


I have been working on audio for Colonial Radio Theatre: On the Air. It's the show Beacon Hill. It's a great show and I'm currently working on Episode 5. The show is already airing on Sirius/XM. We'll see how people react to the show.

As far as health is concerned, I'm a little on the sick side. My throat bothering me and I've been coughing and hacking (which isn't good). I already have a little bit of a headache and will have to get away from the computer for a bit as well.


The other day while I was watching TV, I saw a show of a gentleman painting. It wasn't the best picture, but it was nice to watch the picture show up in front of him on the canvas. It makes me want to be able to learn.


I don't know if anyone reads this or not anymore... but at least I know that I can come back here and just write down things so that I can remember. With my memory being so wacky and out there at times, I think that this would be a good way for me to jot down things about my days here.

If you are reading - thanks for reading my ramblings.