04 January, 2014

04 January - Saturday

I woke up today feeling miserable. Congested and just lousy feeling and my eye was matted over.  Not fun.   Cedar is way up and it sucks.  Blah.  I got up, ate, took meds and went back to bed.  Got up about noon to get some work done, but all I did was clean up the kitchen.

Matt and the boys worked on the small chores that needed to be done around the house.  Little things that make a difference... and even though there were some tense moments, I'm glad that they worked well together.

Dean and LeAnn came over and I gave Dean his afghan.   He liked it!  Yay!  :) 

I was able to finish up episode 05 this evening.   I may need to fix a few things,  but that's ok.  Being able to get these done in a rather quick time is very important to me... At least I'm on top of it and will try my best to keep up the consistent work.


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