04 December, 2011

04 December

I'm thinking about doing something that may mean for me to go back to school and I'm not sure if that's really what I want to do.  I "complain" about going to these specific meetings because I know that it takes me out of the classroom (away from my kids and teaching) and I'm thinking about applying for a job that will take me completely out of the classroom and into those meetings to do them consistantly.  It's more of a paper job, but I wouldn't be totally away from the kids.  I would be there for the kids making sure that their accommodations and modifications were taken care of.  I don't know if I should of shouldn't do it. 

I'm thinking about it.  I'm not sure.  I know that I would miss being in the class, but the thing is that I'm not totally prepared for this job.  I don't have the certification that is needed.  That doesn't mean that I can't go back to school and get it while doing the position.  It just means that I would have to go back to school - take classes to become - I could become a principal.  It would mean a pay increase, but I'm still debating with myself. 

I guess that the only thing that's honestly stopping me from doing it is the mid-management certification.  I'm going to talk with my principal soon... to see if he's even willing to think about it.


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