10 October, 2010

10 October - Updates

Various things have been happening this week.

With my kids and band:
My kids are royally awesome. They went to a band marching contest on Saturday and they won 7 awards - one of them being overall best performance. I'm SO proud of my munchkins! They are so talented! I'm the proud momma. :D

With Donna:
The doctors had found out that it was a parasite that was causing all of the masses in her abdomen (or thought that they had). Then, on Tuesday, they found a lesion in her brain - somehow those pesky parasites had traveled up to her brain. The doctors were worried about the amount of pressure on her brain, so they operated on Thursday morning. By today, Donna is much better. She's more of herself.

I was asked to get pictures of her students for her to continue to get better - something to pep her up during the day. I'm more than happy to do that. :) YAY! I'm so glad that Donna is getting better!

Audio update:
I've been working hard on various things for Jerry. Between Prince and the Pauper and Jarrem Lee - I'm going to have enough to do without having to worry about Vincent Price. I'm kinda upset about that, but meh. I'll get over it.

School update:
At this point in the game, it's almost the end of the nine weeks and we aren't even close to being done with the book that we are reading. I'm not surprised. I really want them to understand and GET it - even though it is "Jungle Book".

So... now, I'm going to go ahead and get a bit more done on this audio and then, after having some warm tea that Meghan made for me, I'm going to go to bed so that I can get ready for work tomorrow.

I've been sick this weekend - and my body is sore from being at the porcelain goddess. The only good thing about it is that I've lost some weight! Not exactly how I wanted to do it, but I did lose weight.


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