27 September, 2010

Sept 27 - Relax!

“The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.”
~~~Sydney J. Harris

As David pointed out to me yesterday in post a response and in an email - I have to relax. But as Mr. Harris pointed out in the quote above - I don't have time for it.


I'm relaxed / relaxing this evening. I checked my email, watched some TV as I lolled on the couch.

I didn't touch audio.

I didn't touch the presents that I'm working on for my friends.

I just relaxed and did nothing.

So... I'm relaxing... feel a little blah because of it because I feel like I should do SOMETHING.... but I'm not doing anything.

So - good night all.


The Water Bearer said...

From someone else who has difficulty relaxing, I understand that 'meh' feeling of knowing you should be doing something.

Believe me though, it's something that needs practice, and once you've done it a few times it'll get easier. And it's very good for you.

Anonymous said...

David had some excellent advice.

Take care of yourself, please.