05 August, 2010

Aug. 5



Oh why can't we get along in our society? Why do we have to discriminate and judge people on the party that they vote for, the way that they want to dress, the church that someone goes to, the people that they want to date whether they are of the same sex or not, or even if they want to marry someone of the same sex?

I don't get it. I don't. Perhaps it has to do with my heart. I wear it on my sleeve. Probably not the best thing to do, but it happens. I get hurt easily and I cry often - sometimes not when I'm hurt, but when I'm happy to boot. I just don't understand why people judge others.

Whatever happened to "Live and let live?" Or "Do unto others and you would have them do unto you"? What's so wrong with society that we have to tell people who they can or can't marry? Who are we to say what's beautiful and god-awful? Aren't we all created in the image and glory of God?

We are so judgmental and I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. Because I don't like it, I do try to be someone who is not judgemental. I want to leave the judging up to the one that created me - the one who is looking out for me and making sure that I'm safe and loved within His arms?

I went against something that I normally don't do - but that darn little green guy was pestering me today. Jealousy. Not a really good creature, but he knows what to push - doesn't he?

I normally don't ask to do anything with anyone. Normally, I wait for the invitation. I don't like to barge in and try to take over. I did today though, but I still was unable to go... parental duties. I could have gotten someone else to pick them up, but I guess in a way, I needed the wake up call. I did.

I needed to actually get away from the situation. I just can't help it though... I'm human and I have my faults.

Even so though - (and here goes the heart again) - why does it hurt when you can't do something that you most truly want and wish to do with friends??


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