09 January, 2010

Jan 9: Sale and Hearth

It was another cold day in the Show Barn, but at least I was there to see my sons sale their goats and get some money during the sale. I'm really quite proud of them. They worked their tales off and they smiled so nicely when they were able to sale their goats. :D We aren't sure exactly how much they will be getting because more people came in and gave Add On bids at the end of the sale, so they may be getting more. We'll find out closer to March, I think.

After a very warm shower and some warm pizza, I think that I'm starting to feel a bit more like myself again.

Mixed some this evening - enough for the first little bit and will continue to do some tomorrow if the time allows for it.

The issue tomorrow is that we are building our hearth tomorrow. Matt has set out the rock and we will be cutting it tomorrow and mortaring it and everything. It's going to be a dusy mother in this house for the next couple of weeks, I can tell you that much already.


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