I woke up at 5:30 in the morning with the idea that something was wrong. I had forgotten to do something. Then it came to me… I didn’t call the shuttle service to come and get me to take me to LAX for my flight. So, I picked up the phone and called. They at first were going to arrive at 4:00. I immediately panicked.
I looked at the schedule for the day and Scott was supposed to begin signing autographs at 4:00! I called more shuttles, cabs, etc., and found a shuttle that would show up no later than 4:30. I tried to get a later flight… but that would cost another $250 and there was no way that we had the money for me to do that. I was scraping by with what I had to get here.
I called Eleiece and talked with her about what was going and cried. She (as Pollyanna) gave me some advice and said that she was going to pray that I would be able to meet up with Scott. I prayed that I would, too.
I went to breakfast and saw Brian… told him what was going on and he told me that he couldn’t do anything because Scott’s security wasn’t going to let any line skipping happen. So…. I was crushed. I decided that it was just not going to happen. I had cried some more… but it just wasn’t a good thing.
The ballroom opened at 8:00 and I went in and just sat there wondering exactly what was going on. I had to leave to get my bearings.
The Dealer room opened at 8:30 for VIPs and Jay Schwartz began a Garage Sale of all of his Quantum Leap memorabilia. Again – no money, so, I just sorta meandered through the rooms and talked a bit more with John Durham and Lana Bettencourt. John and I talked for awhile about audio drama and how that might be done. He seemed to be really interested in it.
At 9:30, autographs with guest stars panel no. 7 began: The people on the paper to be there was: John D’Aquino, Brad Silverman, Susan Griffiths, DeLane Matthews, LeReine Chabut, Harry Groener, Liz Torrez, and Marjorie Monaghan.
Velton Ray Bunch – was not there for an autograph.
Susan Griffiths – was not signing for an autograph although some people were able to catch up with her.
LeReine Chabut – She did not show.
Harry Groener – he was not signing for autographs.
Marjorie Monaghan -she was not signing for autographs.
I was able to get autographs and pictures with the following:
• Liz Torres
• DeLane Matthews
• John D’Aquino
• Brad Silverman
It was while I was standing in line for Panel 7 autographs, I was talking about how I wasn’t going to be able to meet Scott. One of the people that I was talking to told me to go and talk with Jay Schwartz (Scott’s publicist) about what was happening and see if I could get in front to get his autograph. I saw Jay actually go into the Dealer’s room.
I didn’t expect anything to actually happen. Honestly. I told Jay Schwartz about what the issue that I had. He told me, “We will fix that. You will get an autograph with Scott. Here’s what I want you to do. When everything is over, I want you to get up and walk out with Row A or before them. Come over here and I’ll make sure that you get in straight away to meet him, because if Scott doesn’t sign someone’s he doesn’t sign anyone’s.” He then gave directions to one of the convention workers and told her the same thing. I thanked him profusely and told him my name in case he needed to have it. He reviewed with me again and told me pointedly, “Don’t let anyone stop you. If they try to, you tell them that Jay told me to be here.” I nodded, thanked him again, then went and got back in line for the autographs. After the autographs with panel 7, I got back in time to take pictures of Panel 6.
I was able to show back up at the ballroom to get pictures of the people who were in Panel 6: Deborah Pratt, James Whitmore Jr., Diamond Farnsworth, Ron Grow, Mike Beche and Harriet Marguiles.
At 11:00, Panel 7 came up with: John D’Aquino, Brad Silverman, Liz Torrez, Susan Griffiths, DeLane Matthews, LeReine Chabut, Harry Groener, and Marjorie Monaghan.
After watching the panel 7, I had to go pay for my room and take care of my luggage because the shuttle was coming at 4:30. So, I was able to get the room paid for then, asked if the hotel could watch my bags. They said gladly, so, by the time that I got back to the Ballroom, I got to hear Deborah Pratt read a bit of her new Quantum Leap Novel. We then had a tribute video of Dennis Wolfberg (Gooshie).
Brian had told Morgan and myself to make sure that we were in the ballroom at 1:15. I just made sure that I was there.
Around 1:15, while Marc was talking to us about how we should compose ourselves when Scott gets here, the stage crews removed the tables and brought out 2 chairs and a keyboard. At some point, we heard a gasp – and I knew that he was there. Scott had arrived…
Scott came in, we all cheered. It was just amazing to be in the same room with him. I heard a woman who was near me keep saying over and over again “Oh my god… he’s here! He’s here!” All I could think of once everyone calmed down was how I was just lucky to be in the same room with him.
Velton Ray Bunch showed up to play at the keyboard and Scott then sang, “Somewhere in the Night” for us.
Around 1:30, we had the Bakula vs. Schwartz Trivia Challenge. That in of itself was rather funny. Scott had come in saying certain things about different episodes, saying that he was getting points for them. He gave Jay the majority of the answers anyway, but it was fun to see the two of them go back and forth. You can tell that they have a wonderful relationship.
At one point, Scott kept trying to divide up the room so that he would have the panel of judges on his side no matter what the outcome. The final outcome was that Jay Schwartz won the contest (thanks to Scott’s help) and Scott won second place.
That’s when Donald Bellasario came out and sat down next to Scott and they got to go over a few old times. It was while they were talking together that Dean Stockwell called in and we got to hear from Dean as well. It was sad that he wasn’t there, but you know, at least we got to hear his voice. That was important to me.
Scott’s award; however, didn’t stay with Scott for very long. When the Q & A started up, Janine Humphreys stood up to ask them a question. She got a little out and then froze. Poor thing. She started to cry. Don, Scott and Marc all tried to calm her, but she was really upset. That’s when Marc told Scott and Don that she had not been like this all weekend, that she had won a trivia question last night so that she could get a book. It was at that moment that she said, “I can do it now! I can do it!” Marc took the microphone back over to her, and she stood up and said, “Sam Beckett’s social security number is 563-86-9801.” I can’t even remember it. She spilled it out. That’s when Scott stood up, grabbed the award, jumped down from the stage, went to her, kissed her on the cheek, gave her a big hug and then told her that the trophy was hers. She was stunned, slightly crying and completely froze. She was so cute!
I was able to get up and talk in the Q & A… and I was determined not to do that. However, when it came my turn, Marc, who was across the room from me, looked up and say, “Ma’am, your question?” It helped that he did that because I turned toward him and said, “What’s this ma’am, stuff? Suddenly, I’m ma’am?” That’s when Scott, Don and Marc all said, “Oooo…. Young lady.” It tickled me.
It broke whatever nerves I had – so I told them my name and that I was from Texas.
Don had two questions for me:
1) Where in Texas do you live?
2) Do you know where Bourne is?
I answered Bertram (near Austin) and yes, I do! He then told us that his daughter lived in Bourne! I was actually not tongue-tied.
I then told them that I really didn’t have a question for them but a comment. I started with Donald Bellasario – for the obvious reason – because starting with Scott was a bit nerve racking.
I told Don that when you look at all of the things that he had done in his life, all the stories that he has written, that we (the audience) can really tell from the writing what kind of heart he has and thanked him for doing all that he’s done. He thanked me.
Then I turned to Scott. I told him (I think), “thank you for what you have done in all of your acting because without you taking this part, I don’t think that any of us would know where we would be without you.” He sat back in his chair and said, “Wow,” along with a “Thank you.”
At 3:30, Scott and Don started to go toward the autograph room. It was then announced that we would be going by rows and to stay in our seats. I told the people around me a small lie. I told them that I had to use the restroom. I did go to the restroom, then immediately went to the autograph area. Once I got down there, I had a few people look at me and frown.
I actually had someone say, “Miss, you will need to go back to the ballroom. You are not allowed to be here.” I immediately piped up, “Jay told me to come down here. I’m under his orders.” I was not going to have someone escort me away when Jay told me specifically to do something. Immediately, someone said, “Oh…. That’s Jay’s case. She can stay.”
Brian showed up then. We hugged and I told him what a pleasure it was to meet him and talk with him.
While I stood underneath the stairs, Scott walked by me three different times. I watched as he turned to Diamond Farnsworth’s wife and told her that he had to call Chelsea so that she’d know where he was. He was four feet away at that point. I just stood there watching him, and when his eyes came up to me, and we locked eyes, I just smiled at him – and he gave me that grin back.
He went into the autograph room then, and I just stood there and reminded myself that he’s just a man. Period. Nothing more than a man. That’s when Diamond Farnsworth’s wife walked up and asked me why I was standing there. I told her about the shuttle coming at 4:30 and about how Jay said that I could get an autograph from Scott. She nodded then asked where I was from. We talked for a few minutes, but one of the questions she asked was, “So, have you met Scott before?” I told her no, but that this has just been amazing. I even told her that meeting Scott is like a dream coming true. She then said that she had to go back into the room to take care of something. I nodded and she left.
I continued to wait… patiently, looking at my watch constantly. It was getting to be about 4:15 and none of the others (Row A) had shown up yet. I was worried about actually missing my shuttle. I just remember talking with a few of Scott’s security and then hearing, “Okay, come on in.” That was from Mrs. Farnsworth! I remember asking, “Are you sure?” and she motioned me in. I smiled and dropped my bag as I walked in, remembering that we weren’t supposed to take anything but something for him to sign up to him.
Then I hear this voice say, “So, you have a plane to catch, huh?” Thanks to my mother’s upbringing, I answered, “Yes, sir,” then approached him. We talked for a few minutes about where I was from, my name and what not. He signed my booklet as well as the picture that the convention gave us I thanked him for coming, for the opportunity to meet him, everything. I’m just glad that I didn’t babble on. I did ask if I could get a photograph with him and he said, “Of course.” He got up, came from behind the table (from the photos that I’ve seen, he’s leaned over the table) wrapped his arm around my shoulder. See:
I then got to get an autograph with Don Bellasario as Row A began to come in. A very pleasant, personable man. He smiled and talked with me for a few minutes. Before I left, I did reach for Scott’s hand one last time and gave him a handshake and thanked him once more.
I missed the closing ceremony that was at 3:30. I missed the screening of The Leap Back.
My shuttle came at 4:35. I gave hugs to Julie, Jon and his wife and Dean, and to a few others before I got in the shuttle in and talked with a few of the people within the van about what had just happened.
I ate at the airport and the flight went on without a hitch at 7:15. The only waiting time that I had was after I got to Austin at 12:30 AM. I had to wait awhile for my luggage to get to the luggage cart. I had to wait until 1 AM to get the luggage, the I drove home. I got home at 2:00 AM. I’m glad that I decided to take Monday off!!!
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