25 January, 2009

Jan 25 -- Sunday

Oh drat it!!! I did it again. I've stopped doing this for a week! A week! UGH! But then again, after the past couple of weeks, I wish that I didn't have to even think about what has happened.

Well, let me tell you.... no. That would take too long. Let me sum up. A 30 year old woman claimed that Meghan(16) was sleeping with Don (34 year old). It's a lie. Total fabrication. TOTAL. She's a psychopath and I'm tired of dealing with her and dealing with the whole lot of crap that's been going around with it. There. Done.

I've been working on Moonfleet again. I told Jerry what I had done about the episodes and made them all together for him. ((I have episodes 1 - 7 done for XM Radio - all put together and ready, but he was saying that I needed to change a few things... so I guess, I'll have to put them together again. Ugh. No big deal... )) BUT, he seemed pleased, but if I can't get them up on the server, it's going to rather difficult to get them to him. Moonfleet starts tomorrow on LuLu.com Here's to hoping that the regular fans of CRT will look at it and say their ooo's and ah's and enjoy it and buy a whole lot! *giggles* It really is a good story. It's just really dark. You have to be ready for it and you have to concentrate on it especially when the people in it speak differently.

It's been a week of interesting things.

I'm in a book study. Well, actually two. One with Mr. Sibberson, my boss, and the other with June James, the assistant principal and PDAS appraiser.

The book that I read for Mr. Sibberson's group was called: Our Iceberg is Melting (Changing and Succeeding Under Any Conditions) by John Kotter and Holger Rathberger. It's an interesting book actually. It's a story about Penguins. Yes, I did say penguins. If you'd like to take a look, it's here: http://www.ouricebergismelting.com/html/iceberg.html There is an 8 step procedure in what you need to do to make change work and to succeed in making that change. I thought it was really interesting. They take a fable about penguins and the story is pretty much so accurate, that you can quite literally pick out people that you work with that "copy" the way that the penguins act/talk. I read it back at the beginning of January and we had our meeting on Jan 21 and ate while we talked about it. That meeting really brought out some interesting things. Instead of worrying about taking another meeting for that book, we called it finished and are will be starting on the next one.

The book that I've read for June's group is called: How Full Is Your Bucket? by Tom Rath and Don Clifton. If you'd like to take a look at it, it's here on this particular website: http://www.bucketbook.com/content/default.aspx?ci=12121 This book was really educational about positive interactions with people. This is from the website: Organized around a simple metaphor of a dipper and a bucket, and grounded in 50 years of research, this book will show you how to greatly increase the positive moments in your work and your life -- while reducing the negative. I REALLY needed to read this after the last couple of weeks. This helped me and it also helped me to see how I affect other people and other people affect me. I immediately began thinking about my interactions with people and it does make a difference when you think about if you are dipping out of someone else's bucket, or are you helping to fill it up. I'm definitely using THAT strategy from now on. It's kinda like once you "see" how a certain puzzle works, it's hard NOT to see it.... that's how this is.

Monday is about to be here and I need to go to bed. It's going to be a interesting, fun-filled, blessed day because I'm doing what I like to do - even when the kids are driving me nuts. LOL

Those of you who actually stop by to see what I write, thank you so much for doing so. I do appreciate the time that you spend with me and my thoughts.


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