12 January, 2009

Jan 12 -- Monday

Wow... I can't believe that I'm updating this thing for two days ago! What a mess I am, huh? I can't help it. I was a very very very busy girl this weekend!

Saturday Update:
I really wish that I knew what was wrong with my knee. All I know is that when I bend it, it gets sore, but when I extend it, the muscle behind my knee almost... catches. It's a bit painful. Now, when it pops it's even worse. It sucks that I'm worrying now about my knee. I know that it has a little bit to do with my weight, which I can't believe how much I weigh.... but I digress about the knee. It's frustrating to be so sore and not understand why or what you did to it to make it sore in the first place. *sighs*

The day started off with getting up at nine. Oh wow... it was nice to actually sleep in and get some extra sleep. Meghan had a friend spend the night Friday evening, and so, we decided that they were going to have to just get up and eat some oatmeal on that fine Saturday morning.

We had plenty to do. Saturday evening was the night of the Masonic Dinner. The Masonic Dinner is just a nice little get together of the Masons and the Order of the Eastern Star. Since I'm a member of OES, I was in charge of cooking for the Masons that evening. (It's a monthly thing that happens and it was my turn to do it.) So... we began making Chili at 11:00 that morning for dinner. Oh... what a mess. Making about eight pots of chili for the evening seemed a bit wild, but I did it.

The rest of the afternoon was spent doing the laundry and mixing on Jerry and the Pirates - Ep 24. Ep 24 needed to be done so that it can be shipped off to XM next week at some point. Which also reminds me that I need to put up the 320 version of Ep 23 for Chris. I worked on that thing until it was time for me to go to the Lodge at 4:30... then returned home without Meghan's friend only to fuss at the kids for making spectacles out of themselves.

The dinner though was a great success. We had fifty-four people eating that night. That's a LOT of people when you think about it - and we had a little bit of chili left over too! I'm glad that I made as much as I did. It was REALLY good. Yumola.

After I put the kids to bed, I went ahead and started back on Jerry and the pirates. I worked on it until almost midnight. That's when I realized that I hadn't posted on the blog and put up that little bitty blurb saying that I'd update later. I really need to post at a set time.
Sunday Update:
Yesterday, I spent most of the day sitting in front of the computer working on Jerry and the Pirates and then on Darker Projects Star Trek: Lost Frontier.
Matt worked on the old kitchen putting up new bead-board up and it really looks nice. I however worked on audios and just tried to get myself a little bit caught up on things. Well, did it work?
Not really. I was able to finish up Jerry and the Pirates for Jerry to review, then I quickly began to work on Star Trek: Lost Frontier. Yes, self, I know.... I shouldn't have said that I could help out, but I don't have an iota of a clue to even know where the sounds go initially. I kept having questions over the whole thing and nothing was working. Nothing. So... I spent the day and most of the evening, (save for finishing laundry and eating) putting the vast majority of the lines together.
By the time that 11:30 rolled around, I was extremely tired, but I wanted to get this information to Eric as quickly as I could. So, I uploaded them on the server and then immediately sent him an email to let him know where they were and what was going on with it. I do hope that he's not too terribly mad at me for not finishing up the audio. I mean, I think that he would understand about consistency and places in ones mind. I might go in and turn the Enterprise F (I think that that's the right letter) upside down and almost inside out compared to Eric's view on it.
Anyway, I'm worried about how he's going to take it that I didn't finish it. I don't like just handing things back, but I don't want to screw something like that up.
So... I was in bed around 11:40.
Today's Update:
Well, after an most interesting day at work: I'm being sarcastic actually. This week is Finals week for the first semester. Needless to say, the kids are freaking out over the tests they are about to take. Some of them are actually having anxiety over it. I went to the nurse's office today to see if they had a brace for my knee and there was a young woman in there who was getting her hand looked at. It was bleeding only slightly. She had gotten so upset and was so anxious over a test that she turned and hit the wall instead of hitting a teacher! Good grief!!!
I spent the day mostly in Donna's room. I couldn't walk all over the place like I would need to do. The leg just hurt and I had left my brace at home. :(
So... I went throughout the day, sitting at the desk and grading papers and sorting papers and what not. I got more done on the Hamlet powerpoint, and thankfully, I found out from Paul that they haven't even finished Hamlet! I thought that they were totally finished with it and that it was a part of their final! Thank goodness for that. I'm just glad that I didn't stay up late last night to try to get other stuff done for school.
So... school was just rather blah until Donna said that she was going to the doctor. She was complaining about her abdomin hurting her. She went to the hospital and I got a phone call from her this afternoon while I was in Walmart. She's in the hospital. They wanted to keep her over night to make sure that everything is okay. She had a surgery recently to remove a hernia. So, I don't know if this pain is from that or not. She said that she hoped that she'd be back at school tomorrow. We'll see.
For the past couple of hours though, I've been dealing with the issue of mortality - suicide - a good thing - a bad thing. What a person can do to try to stop another from committing the deed? What can you do when you are a thousand miles away? The only thing that I can think of is pray and keep telling that person how much you love them, how much they mean to you, and that you are there for them to talk and to help them through those rough times.
I did that this evening... I told how much I loved them, how much they mean, and that I'll always be here to talk to in those times. I know how depression is... and I know that the devil is going to use whatever he can to get his claws into someone. He can't have this one. I will *not* let that happen. P e r i o d.
A student of mine from San Angelo High School took his life on Thanksgiving Holidays. In doing what he did, he ruined that holiday for his all of his loved ones. He cheated as far as I'm concerned. Took that easy road out - and left the ones here to deal with what he left behind. I'm sorry, I can't see that as a good thing. I can't see others suffering from losing a loved one that way. And what's sad, is I'm still aggravated at that kid after all this time. He made me mad - my thoughts now even go back to the same thing: "How dare he do that to his family and friends!?"
Moving on....
Moving on....
I finished Jerry and the Pirates this evening and I'm putting them up on the server to be seen for final review. Hopefully they will be okay. I guess now, I can start back on Moonfleet. The moody piece that I love.

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